Use this menu to work with text and graphics, or to undo an action. This menu is provided for the use of desk accessories only; Applicon does not use it.
Undoes your last action.
Undoes your last action. Applicon does not support Undo; this item will be available only for desk accessories.
Removes the selected text or graphics, and stores a copy on the Clipboard.
Removes the selected text or graphics, and stores a copy on the Clipboard. Applicon does not use the Clipboard; this item will be available only for desk accessories.
Stores a copy of the selected text or graphics on the Clipboard.
Stores a copy of the selected text or graphics on the Clipboard. Applicon does not use the Clipboard; this item will be available only for desk accessories.
Inserts the contents of the Clipboard.
Inserts the contents of the Clipboard. Applicon does not use the Clipboard; this item will be available only for desk accessories.
Removes the selected text or graphics without storing it on the Clipboard.
Removes the selected text or graphics without storing it on the Clipboard. Applicon does not use the Clipboard; this item will be available only for desk accessories.
Use this menu to close windows, and to quit Applicon.
Closes the active window.
Closes the active window. Not available now because the active window is a tile or dialog, and cannot be closed.
Quits Applicon.
Displays copyright and author information about "Applicon."
Use this menu to control the way Applicon lays out tiles, and the ways you can bring the tiles to the front.
Toggles gridding of dragged tiles. Currently, dragged tiles are not forced to the grid.
Toggles gridding of dragged tiles. Checked because tiles are currently forced to the grid when dragged.
Shows the "Anchor and Chain", that lets you specify where the tiles are placed on your desktop.
Shows a window that lets you choose which corners of the screen will be "hot spots".
Click this box to make the upper-left corner of the screen a hot-spot.
Click this box to make the upper-left corner of the screen no longer a hot-spot.
Click this box to make the lower-left corner of the screen a hot-spot.
Click this box to make the lower-left corner of the screen no longer a hot-spot.
Click this box to make the upper-right corner of the screen a hot-spot.
Click this box to make the upper-right corner of the screen no longer a hot-spot.
Click this box to make the lower-right corner of the screen a hot-spot.
Click this box to make the lower-right corner of the screen no longer a hot-spot.
Click here to use the new tile positions you've selected.
Click here if you decide not to change the tile positions after all.
This is a "tile" representing a running application. Clicking this tile will bring its application's windows to the front.
This is the Anchor. Drag it to the desired starting corner for tile placement.
This is the Chain. Drag it to set the direction and spacing of tiles, relative to the Anchor.
Shows a window that lets you choose the size and shape of the tiles.
Click here for large tiles with full-size icons.
Click here for small, wide tiles.
Click here for very small tiles without labels.
Shows a window that lets you choose the size and shape of the tiles. Not available during Tile Placement.
Shows all hidden tiles.
Shows all hidden tiles. Not available now because no tiles are hidden.